Saturday, January 30, 2010

Drink More Water

There are many reasons to drink more water. As many of us have heard that you can go many weeks without food but you can only go a few days without water.
Here are a few ways that our bodies use water:

1) Water is required to transport nutrients throughout the body through the bloodstream.

2) Water stabilizes and cools us allowing us to maintain proper body temperature.

3) Water hydrates our skin from the inside. It is the best lotion around.

4) Water dilutes toxins that our cells produce during metabolism and carries them away.

5) Water is part of every cell. 70 percent of our body is composed of water.

6) Saliva is used to moisten and predigest cooked food in our mouths.

7) Water helps to keep the colon clean. Our large intestine is like a sewer system. Keeping the body hydrated helps keep it clean and keeps waste moving through it.

8) Water dissolves mineral buildup in the body helping to eliminate arthritis and heart disease.

9) Water increases your energy. Adults lose as much as 10 cups of fluid each day through sweating, exhaling, urination, and bowel movements. Water provides more oxygen which is necessary to burn fat and allow your body and brain to function at their fullest potential.

10) Water helps assist in weight loss and balance. Dehydration decreases protein synthesis, the task of building muscle. With water, fat gets burned and converted to energy. Without its presence, fat increases.

11) Get Well: Water helps restore the body. It can help control a fever, replace lost fluids and thin out mucus

How Much Water?

To determine your specific recommended water intake, divide your weight (in pounds) by two. The resulting number is the number of ounces of water you need each day. For example, if you weigh 150 lbs., try to drink 75 ounces of water daily.

In order to form the habit of drinking more water, it is important that you start small. Don’t try to drink 75 ounces the first day! Start by tracking your current consumption and add 8 more ounces each day or so.

These are just a few reasons to drink water and more water.
So let's get moving and drink up some water.


Anonymous said...

As I'm drinking coffee right now, I'm thinking of how I need to drink more water today lol. =0 Great post, thanks for sharing!

candy said...

I *love* water!!! I drink at least 6 glasses every single day plus I bring a water bottle with me every time I leave the house. But then, Ive been a water drinker ever since I was a little girl :) LOVE water :):)